I am not the only one procrastinating!

I have been writing exams since 27th February and thought that nothing could be worse than writing exams for a month but well now I change my opinion on that. My board exams have been postponed to after 31th March and I still have 4 exams left ! Since I have plenty of time between my next exams and not a lot of will to study for such a long time ,here is a blog where I want to share about my experience with board exams and the outbreak of coronavirus due to which my boards seem unending.

So a little context , I am currently in 10th and writing ICSE board exams. In ICSE we have to write Ten exams ! Many people wonder how we have ten subjects. Unlike CBSE ,our sciences and socials are separate so we have a three and two exams for each of the sciences and social respectively as well as have two exams for English i.e grammar and literature. Other than that we have maths, second language and an optional subject. To a lot of people it sounds overkill but that is not it ,we also have a very extensive and detailed syllabus. Honestly speaking, I am not really complaining about anything as I have come to enjoy it in a different way. Our syllabus is so detailed that even the fundamentals have so much information and it keeps you intrigued . Our English syllabus is challenging and if you have read my previous blogs you would know that I love English ,well ICSE and my school is the reason behind it. ICSE gives you a very clear picture on what stream you want to choose after 10th or what you would like to pursue as you have experienced the workload of each subject separately. ICSE has its advantages and it is not really as scary as I made it look like ! I am very dramatic while explaining ICSE. I am sorry !

So after that “little” context , let me tell you about my experience of writing “BOARD” Exams. Luckily for me and my fellow classmates, our centre was our own school and we were the only people in the whole hall. Being in a known atmosphere definitely eased our nerves. Other than the pressure of answering questions in the question paper it is more stressful to answer the questions asked after writing the exam. Questions like, How was the experience ? Were you nervous ? Did you hydrate well during the exams during your exam ?  I didn’t, Guilty. Did you sanitize your hands before touching your water bottle ? I think that is why I didn't drink enough water. These are questions that are ,suprise suprise, not really asked. Rather , “How did you write ?”, “You will get great marks right ?” , many also say ,”Oh so 100 on 100 right ? the last two sound like demands more than questions. These are the type of questions I hope comes in section B as a choice so I can skip attempting it altogether. If life were that easy ! 

So how did I do my exams ? Honestly I don't really know myself.

Cut to now, my boards have been postponed due to the out-break of coronavirus ! A wise person has said that the boards will treat you like how you treat it ! Well looks like my boards is replying by procrastinating now !  

Even before my boards started the thing I was looking forward to the most was my "Bored" Exams ending and had a lot of things planned for what I was going to do after 30th march. Posting blogs more often was one of them but since they don't really seem to end I thought why not do it now as I am already prepared for my exams and don't really want to spend the rest of my time thinking rather worrying about my exams. So Stay tuned for more blogs. Please let me know if you enjoyed this blog and what other topics you would like me to write about as I really need ideas. 
Stay at Home and Wash your Hands !


  1. Very nice Aru.Exactly same feeling when I was writing my boards in 10th and same feeling when my 12th boards got postponed
    Postponed not due to corona virus due to other virus called paper leak๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. Aru you have expressed all our thoughts perfectly in words and I will be eagerly waiting for your new blogs


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