The Gift of Trampoline

 Future. It is something we don’t know about and yet we think about it the most. Sometimes thinking about the future is exciting to what comes in the future. However most of the time it is worry. People wonder what would happen in the future. I am people. 

The worry and uncertainty of the future has become ever more ever since we have been hit with the pandemic. It has changed the way we look at it. It has shown us how drastically things can change for the bad or good. 

We all have certain dreams and visions as to how we want our future to look like. What kind of job we would want to do. What kind of lifestyle we would want to live. These expectations bring pressure. While I wouldn’t say having expectations are bad, they can stress you out. We wonder what would happen if things don’t work out the way you planned it. If you are unable to find success in your passion. You have perhaps chosen a path which does not have a direct path. You took something unconventional but are not sure if you would succeed. What happens if you fall flat on your face in something which you enjoy doing. These are all the questions that have constantly run on my mind. 

Fortunately for me, I got a chance to ask Darpan Vasudev, a life coach and motivational speaker, any question for a school event which I would perhaps want guidance for. So I asked him “I am always told to pursue my passion no matter what, however people also tell me to be flexible with my options. SO at what stage of my life should I start reconsidering my options if things don’t turn out the way I have planned.”

Since you are reading my blog, I assume you all know I have a passion for writing and content creation. This is something that I would like to continue in the future as of now. However it is a risky career and things could not work out at all. 

He told me that while Writing might take time to build a career in, there is no such thing as it won’t happen. He says that these questions have arised due to lack of self confidence in my abilities. Writing is a great career. Words have an ability to move people and are a powerful tool. He asked me to remember this phrase that If my passion doesn't hurt or harm anyone, I will pursue it no matter what. His call was for me to have confidence in my abilities and work towards them. 

I accept this as a valid answer for my case. I am sure a lot of you might be like it didn't answer your question and that is what I thought too. However, I realised that he just gave me a different perspective to my problem. My question showed that I have doubts in my passion and don’t trust my abilities. He just asked me to back my abilities.

I also mentioned that even if it is not working out, it is still my passion.I have not lost interest even after not being very successful. If I had lost interest in it, then I am sure the answer would have changed. 

And finally, I am very aware that I come from a place of privilege. I have the luxury to take more time than usual to work on my passion and follow my dreams. A lot of people unfortunately are not that fortunate. They might be the only hope for their family and hence need to get a job ASAP. If I fail, my parents are there to support me. I would like to call this safety net a Trampoline. It is an important message that we need to be aware of hence I have titled this blog the “Gift of Trampoline”.  I have been blessed with a trampoline that if I fall , it will help me bounce me back into the world and on my feet again. However for a lot of people it is a concrete floor. If they fall, they would hurt themselves and also find it much harder to bounce back in this competitive and fast moving world. 

This however gives me a stronger purpose to use this privilege. I have been gifted with it.. If I don’t take the risk of doing something different that might be of small help to the world who would. 

Hence this answer made sense to me. Self Confidence is something that I have struggled with and am still struggling with. I am sure a lot of you are too. 

Self doubt can be a big hurdle in the way to follow our dreams. However, how to push yourself in that moment and telling yourself “ I can do this”, makes all the difference. We can use this power and make this world a better place. 

Follow your dreams, believe in yourself. If I can try to do it, you can too. 

Think about your future but not to an extent that you forget to live in the present. After all,it is what you do in the present that will affect your future.

I would quote a phrase from the movie Kung Fu Panda here that sums up well-

'Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. ' That is why it's called the present." - Master Oogway 


Stay safe, stay healthy.


  1. I do believe the kind of question you have asked, not many can. It was very insightful and deep. And the answer Mr. Darpan gave was as confusing to me as it was to you but then when you said that you pondered over it and thought of it to be a very relevant answer, I, as a reader, realised how important self actualization and self reflection is. I completely agree with you when you said that all of us come from a place of privilege and must use it for the advantage of ourselves as well as others. It was an immaculate blog.

    1. yes, we need to look into ourselves and try to bring things to perspective. Few answers we need to find on our own.
      Thank you for you comment :)

  2. I totally agree with Aru. The entire blog was so relatable to my own life and thoughts and perhaps the other's as well. Even I faced a similar situation wherein I was a little doubtful about my decision of pursuing commerce but then when I started enjoying it I felt it was maybe the right decision. And I totally agree that not everyone is privileged hence may need an immediate job if they are the sole bred winner in the family. Even I did not feel the quote apt in the beginning but later understood as Aru has given her example of being privileged. Having self confidence is the essence of anything we pursue.

    1. We all will have times when we are unsure of our decisions. However we need to trust our choices and then not give up even if it does not work out. Glad to hear that you are happy with your choice of subject. Self Confidence is key!

  3. I totally agree with Aru. The entire blog was so relatable to my own life and thoughts and perhaps the other's as well. Even I faced a similar situation wherein I was a little doubtful about my decision of pursuing commerce but then when I started enjoying it I felt it was maybe the right decision. And I totally agree that not everyone is privileged hence may need an immediate job if they are the sole bred winner in the family. Even I did not feel the quote apt in the beginning but later understood as Aru has given her example of being privileged. Having self confidence is the essence of anything we pursue.

  4. To be very honest I am in the same situation at this juncture of my life where I’m skeptical about my future. The question asked by Aru is something I totally relate to. Mr. Darpan’s answer made me also look at it from a whole different perspective . If we work hard and put our entire soul to something I’m sure we’d reap something out of it. People like us should be grateful for the luxury and privilege we get and not take it for granted. We should make the best use out of it. This might sound cliche but it’s true, Nothing is impossible.A balanced self confidence is super important to take necessary risks and pursue what we are passionate about. And it is important to be thankful for the “present”.

    1. Very well said! Yes, hard work always pays off. You just need to keep at it. We are one of the lucky ones. Let use this blessing well!

  5. I agree with Aru completely. We all have the privilege and we must question ourselves from time to time to test our abilities, and not doubt ourselves. The blog was fantastic.

    1. Yes, we need to take risks in life. It will test our ability and also perhaps help you learn something new. Having faith in your abilites is very crucial!
      Thank you so much !


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