Why did I choose to start my blog ?

Which way do I travel? Growing up everyone has different ambitions which change over the years along with the change in interests. Look at me , I wanted to become a scientist when I was 7 years old. Little later in 5th standard I wanted to become a lawyer which I soon gave up because I didn’t understand what it really meant. Then for 2 years I didn’t know what I wanted to become. It is not really that bad to not know what you want to do for some time. But alas, wherever I went people asked me what I wanted to become and were quite surprised I didn’t know. Big Deal ! To be frank , I never really had anything for English but I took part in some literary competitions and did okay. Then in 8th grade, I started getting really good marks in my essays which gave me some confidence in writing. Then during one of my midnight thought trains, I wondered about a career that could be made in writing. But where did I want to go or what did I want to achieve ? I had decided from a very young age that I didn’t want to become a doctor or engineer. I never really saw myself in it . I didn’t want to write books because I can’t drag my thoughts so far or may be I am not that good at making up stories. Says a lot about my personality doesn’t it, *wink*. 
Around the same time, I had started to watch a lot of cricket and cricket related shows. During the summer holiday in 2017 I watched a whole lot of post match presentations, previous match analysis, player interviews, IPL highlights. So my daily routine included watching the likes of Gaurav Kapur, Mayanti Langer, Jatin Sapru, Harsha Bhogle, Vikram Sathaye etc. Just for your information Harsha Bhogle who is an IIM Ahmedabad Graduate does a lot of thing other than commentary like interviews and analyzing facts on cricket on the CricBuzz. Watching these people on a regular basis made me realize that perhaps I want to do something like they do. May be I wanted to write about sports.
So why did I start this blog ?
Since I am in 10th Class now , everyone around me still keeps asking (even more regularly) about what I have decided for my future and the only thing I know about my future is that I want to write. Right now, I want to write because that is what I enjoy.  In my case , I also like to prefer to write on diverse topics of human interest hence an understanding of subjects like psychology, history, political science, economics ,legal studies etc might be useful. Hence , I might want to choose Humanities for further education. Of course , I can choose science too and write about it, Science is not only for engineering or medical. But it is humanities as of now. And when I told my parents of my thoughts , they were really supportive. Supportive doesn’t mean that they left me to it. They knew that it would help me,but they still asked me to prove myself. They have been asking me to write for quite a bit of time but I didn’t understand why it was so important. I made an excuse of not having enough time to study. It is my 10th grade ,”the big board exams”. But when I decided I wanted to write my parents actually told me if I wanted to write I had to actually start writing , only school essays are not enough. So I made a choice , to not only study in 10th grade but also do something to sharpen my skill. So. I started my writing journey in August 2019 and this blog came into existence.
I started it so that I can help develop my skills. It is not only my writing skills, it has also made me aware of my surroundings. It has helped me build an opinion and express my thoughts to an audience. I have also started seeing this as a space where I can relax and do what I love, that is writing ! This has given me exposure and also feedback from others which has helped me improve. 
Please let me know if you would like me to try something else to advance my skills or perhaps point me to some other resources . It would be amazing if you could also let me know how did you arrive at your career decision !


  1. Beautiful write up. U can even share some experience of being part of many marathon.
    Some important incidence of ur school life too which had an impact on u just a suggestion dear but wonderful work keep on doing don't stop

  2. Beautiful write up. Write something about ur experience of being part of marathon. Share your thoughts about it. Even a few incidence of ur school life which had a great impact on u. A suggestion dear.. Keep doing it. Good going.

  3. Amaze. Keep writing!!! 🖤🖤🖤

  4. RehanaBegum
    Lovely written Aru..!!
    Wishing you all the success and feels happy and proud to reading your blogs..��

  5. Love your reason for starting this blog. Best wishes!I know you will do great - because you have chosen to follow your passion

  6. Hey Aru, nice write up. Keep writing at your own pace. Good luck!


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