
 So the moment you have been waiting for! What is Tynkrr about? I have already explained to you what Tynkrr means and where it has originated from, the back story etc etc. So now we are here. To the launch of Tynkrr! 

We have no dearth of Social media but how many teens do you know who make content as a passion and want their voice to be heard.Teenagers have incredible potential but all of us have a big fear, the fear of being judged. Most of us don’t get over it and let our passions be to ourselves. What a waste of talent! I am a teen blogger who writes about things I see, experience and things other teens could probably relate to. I have somehow gotten over the fear of being judged. I had started out of the blue, just like that and luckily didn’t overthink a lot. I have got so much love since then that I have partially gotten over the fear of being judged. I would like to also give that chance to others. Also, there are so many people creating content and most of them are above the age of 18. We always wonder if we will publish something, Who will see it? Only my friends and family circle right? Even if it is a public post, there are so many established content creators and people who have been doing this for a long period of time.

There are so many bloggers in this world, so many established, so many with more experience, so many who are much older than me and are now writing about what they learnt in their many years of studying. They all are obviously much better than me. And I don't aspire to be them now because I can't and I shouldn’t as well.I would however like to read other teens blogs , teenagers who are like me. Since they are like me I would learn more and not jump steps. As a blogger I always felt like there weren’t many teen bloggers around me. There are a lot of teen bloggers but I am just not aware of them. The Internet is a huge world which makes it very hard to find them. How amazing would it be if teens could find other teens in one place. It is from all these problems that Tynkrr was born.

Tynkrr is extremely close to my heart as it is something I strongly believe in. I am surrounded by amazing teenagers who never cease to impress me with the quality of content they produce or how they think and perceive the world. Yes,I am blessed with brilliant friends and people around me but I am sure that the teenagers of this generation are extremely creative, thoughtful and have a zeal to make a difference.

Imagine a platform full of only teenagers. How much exposure do you get at school when you are around teenagers. The amount of skills you learn and develop by looking at other students. Now imagine that but it is not just your school but the whole world! We don’t ourselves realize the power we have, the power to bring a change. Most of the time by just bringing it to everyone’s notice and making it a trend. And many times even by taking action for or against it. 

Now why would any teenager trust Tynkrr? Well we have a lot of features to make sure that the teen feels safe and secure. First, only teenagers can make an account. Adults will only be allowed to see. They can’t comment or like. And if you have published the content you have the power to choose whether you want the post to be seen by only teenagers or the public. You can choose whether you want the people to comment on your post or not. We will not have any sort of adult content And if the teenager feels threatened or is being harassed they can block and report the account. We will surely look into it. A lot of questions are there about how we will control that only teenagers will post content on this platform. Won’t they be able to fraud their age ? Yes they can fraud their age but that is what we have the teens for. If you feel that someone is not following the age guidelines, Report,Report and Report! Ask your friends to report too and warn everyone against them.Thanks to Covid-19(only for this) and the resulting online classes we can also use the school email ids to authenticate ,if required.

So this is about Tynkrr.

Well what do I want to get out of this? I really hope Tynkrr is used in such a way that we as the next generation can take a stand in the world and take charge to make it a better place for us and for the future to come

Tynkrr is a platform where teens can post any content they want be it videos, photos, blogs or they can create an event or start a campaign. This is a way teens can post their content and other teens will get inspired by them. It is also a place where we can start movements that can change the world or inspire the adults. Just because we are teens sometimes our opinion on important issues is not taken seriously but if so many teens come together and try to spread a message, then it surely can’t be ignored. 

I might grow out of my teen years but no matter what happens Tynkrr will be only for teens, always and forever.

As for why I changed it from Teenkar to Tynkrr. Well Tynkrr have a nice ring to it and sounds much “cooler” and modernized. Well, That’s about it.


  1. I am so excited for Tynkrr release and anyone reading this comment I can vouch for all the hardwork and passion Aru has put in to make this platform truly a place where all teenagers are welcome. She always had been passionate about this and now it's come to life. I am so happy for you Aru. I am sure it will help many young adults feel that they aren't alone.

    1. Thank you so much Sindhu for your kind words and support. And yes I hope this is a place where the teenagers feel that they are not alone!


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