Who says I don't deserve this

It’s International Women’s day today ! So, happy women’s day. The United Nations theme for 2021’s is women in leadership. There are very few women leaders in the world . Right now there are just 24 women as head of the countries out of 195 countries. Why is there such a huge disparity when we have seen that women leaders are just as good as any man. There are so many examples in the world right now. We have Kamala Harris who became the first women Vice President of USA. She is a force to be r eckoned with and beat all odds of being not only a woman but also Black and Asian. Angela Merkell, the chancellor of Germany has been in office since 2005. During the recession when al the countries were suffering, Germany was doing well because of her strategies and leadership. Last year, I participated in the online International MUN ( find my blog on it here ). I was part of the committee of UN Women and my country was Iceland. The Prime Minister of Iceland is KatrÃn Jakobsdóttir who is a...